Monday, May 2, 2011

Jim Kroner Speaks on Attorney Fees to La Crosse County Bar

On March 21, 2011, Jim Kroner gave a presentation to the La Crosse County Bar Association on Wisconsin "fee shifting" statutes.  These are laws that in specific situations, alter what is known as the "American Rule" that has each party to a lawsuit paying its own attorney fees.  Wisconsin law contains dozens of statutes which require a defendant who loses a lawsuit to pay a plaintiff who wins the lawsuit for the "reasonable attorney fees" incurred by the plaintiff in the lawsuit.  The presentation highlighted situations where such statutes were most frequently applicable and provided a primer on how to apply the laws to recover attorney fees from the opponent in such a circumstance.

The La Crosse County Bar Association is applying for legal education credit for those attorneys who attended the presentation.  If such a statute applies to a legal situation you are involved in it can significantly affect the way the case is handled and the outcome available.  Be sure to make sure the attorney representing you knows how to apply these laws to your benefit.

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